Did you know the Benefits of Craniosacral Therapy for Babies?
In a difficult birth, a baby can be faced with stressful challenges on her journey into this world.
I love working with children and babies, therefore I constantly read about new discoveries and research in this area and like to share interesting articles. Did you know about the benefits of Craniosacral Therapy for Babies? Here I share interesting insight.
In a complicated birth, a baby can face a number of stressful challenges on her journey into this world. Craniosacral therapy for babies may sound mysterious, but it can be tremendously beneficial to many newborns.
Some evidence suggests that a high percentage of all newborn babies may still hold a degree of birth stress afterwards.
The bones of the head are separate moving parts, wonderfully designed by nature to move and adjust as the baby travels through the birth canal. Please read the full article on Greenchild Magazine